3 Levels of Emotional Design
EMOTIONAL DESIGN - deals mostly with how design makes you feel - not how it looks. But of course, how ...

Don’t stop me if you’ve heard this before.
The story of the Capo 'd astro bar is not new, but the point of the story continues to be ...

What love and hate teach us about brand strategy
What binds the brand voice together is not seeing and hearing the brands message distributed across all media at the ...

There are no new ideas. Embrace it.
For many creative-types, this can be a hard pill to swallow. Your ideas are not new. Sorry, but it's true, ...

Positioning? Who cares… just get some results!
Uh-oh, did you get to this post thinking it might help you skip the boring, worthless, pain-in-your-assumptions, process of defining ...

Big data alone, won’t get results (without strategy)
Analyzing results of a marketing campaign is one thing. Strategically breaking down what is working and what is not working, ...

Warning: This Habit Can Become Addictive
And don't blame me if you can't quit. I adopted this :15 minute-a-day productivity habit and I am addicted to ...

67 Branding Insights
An on-going article featuring tips and insights on branding and marketing strategy, practices and processes. This article is an ongoing ...

Is your audience invited to the party?
How many ads, messages, emails, communications, articles, posts and promotions go by unnoticed, or barely noticed? Why are you not ...

6 reasons your target is too big
When defining a target audience, what makes marketers reach for the shotgun rather than the rifle? Is it the belief ...

Creative Trilogy – benefit, position, strategy
The extraordinary marketing ideas arise when an abundance of ideas are put on the table. And there are lots of ...

Take a position – and own it
In deciding on a positioning for a company, product or service – creativity plays a big role. This is where ...

Creating the creative strategy
The Creative Strategy is not the first thing we create or deliver when setting up a creative project. If you ...

Creative questions you can’t answer online
As a marketing or communications professional, whether your title is “Creative” or not, you need to be creative. And if ...

I know what you must be thinking…
What’s the difference between your thoughts and your customer’s thoughts? Context. And your customers context of thought could very well ...

Is your social media being anti-social?
Wow, the din of social media is deafening. I can't keep up with it all and I don't think I ...

What is Social Media Marketing?
I like to understand how things work before I attempt to master their use. And social media is mighty big ...

To hit your target – aim carefully
Is that obvious? Of course it is, so when many companies don't aim carefully from the start, it's an amazing ...

Try some creative schizophrenia.
No, I’m not making fun of people with schizophrenia. But I do have a good creative exercise that taps into your ...

Great work creates change
The building blocks of great marketing ideas are strong creative strategies based on thorough research and aggressive positioning. I'll cover ...