EMOTIONAL DESIGN – deals mostly with how design makes you feel – not how it looks. But of course, how it feels is intrinsically tied to how it looks. As

EMOTIONAL DESIGN – deals mostly with how design makes you feel – not how it looks. But of course, how it feels is intrinsically tied to how it looks. As
The story of the Capo ‘d astro bar is not new, but the point of the story continues to be forgotten, even by the best creative marketers. First, the story,
All people possess deeply rooted thoughts and feelings that can quickly assign meaning to what they see and hear. When the emotional message is clear, the meaningful value is understood, and a deeper connection is made.
Take pride in your mash-ups. They are truly your only original creations. And although they are really combinations of other ideas, the world will see them as fresh and new.
Positioning has to be the most important thing you do as a brand, product, service or business. Why? Because as humans, context is all we have to delineate ideas and understand communications. It’s the reason that every letter of any languages alphabet has a different shape, mark or symbol for each letter or idea.
You can pile all the data you want in front of a room full of numbers people and look at trends and patterns, anomalies and exceptions – but that will leave you knowing only what happened – not what needs to happen next.
I adopted this :15 minute-a-day productivity habit and I am addicted to it. Sit in a sunny place, set your computer in your lap. Open your favorite writing app. Tilt your head back and write.
An on-going article featuring tips and insights on branding and marketing strategy, practices and processes. This article is an ongoing series of posts. Feel free to add your own insights
How many ads, messages, emails, communications, articles, posts and promotions go by unnoticed, or barely noticed? Why are you not interested? Why are you not engaged? Of course you are not in the market for everything. So the
When defining a target audience, what makes marketers reach for the shotgun rather than the rifle? Is it the belief that throwing the widest net possible, with messages to the
The extraordinary marketing ideas arise when an abundance of ideas are put on the table. And there are lots of ways to get tons of ideas on the table, but
Positioning is the first place that every brand needs to be bold. You cannot be a leader by following. If you don’t start with a differentiating position, don’t expect differentiating creative. The magic starts with one benefit that holds a unique place in your prospects mind.
We have strategies (or plans of action) for everything – Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Communication Strategy – and while these are all important plans of action, the one we’re focused on here is the Creative Strategy. We could also call it a creative plan of action – or better yet, A PLAN FOR CREATIVE ACTION.
As a marketing or communications professional, whether your title is “Creative” or not, you need to be creative. And if you feel you are not creative, you can do
What’s the difference between your thoughts and your customer’s thoughts? Context. And your customers context of thought could very well be the key to businesses discovering what it is that
Wow, the din of social media is deafening. I can’t keep up with it all and I don’t think I want to. No, I’m sure this is going to get