Growing a great brand is tough.

It requires some head-down work in the trenches to be sure your brand’s purpose is deeply meaningful to your customers. Let’s get started with a FREE :30 minute Brand Scrum.

Get some great brains on your brand

Powerful Positioning

Discover the competitive advantage that your brand can own, leverage and grow.

The critical DMV

Align the Deep Meaningful Value that your brand evokes in your ideal prospects.

Marketplace realities

There is a sweet spot in the marketplace for every great brand - we'll find yours.

creative power

With the right strategy, you'll see the potential for new creative solutions in every aspect of your business.

This is how it works.

Schedule your brand scrum

Just click the schedule button above or below to schedule your FREE :30 minute Brand Scrum.

fill out the questionnaire

One you've scheduled your Brand Scrum we'll send you a short brand questionnaire to complete.

get our frank feedback

30 minutes won't solve all your brand issues, but will provide insights that lead to new solutions and directions.

Positioning is critical for brands large and small.

It’s not pretty or sweet, and it may hurt a little, but hearing the honest truth about your brand is necessary in order to adjust and create new opportunities in a constantly changing world.

See branding articles from

Take a Position and Own It

In deciding on a positioning for a company, product or service – creativity plays a big role. This is where the course of a campaign, or even a brand, can change if we are bold enough to rock the boat. Unfortunately, that’s so against the grain of our natural instincts that it rarely happens.

What Love and Hate Teach About Brand Strategy

What binds the brand voice together is not seeing and hearing the brands message distributed across all media at the same time. What binds the brand voice is how every touch point delivers meaning. Notice I didn’t say value. Value is overrated and misunderstood.

3 Levels of Emotional Design

How do you feel about purple? That’s a loaded question because our emotional reactions are automatic, and then our interpretation follows.

Amazing Results

“The Brand Scrum session was priceless! I saw my business in a whole new way, and my focus was crystal clear by the end of the session.“
Kendra k.
Fit Heroes Founder
“I loved the Brand Scrum. Brand67 was able to take us into the buyers mentality and take what we already had and make it more meaningful to them.“
Russ P.
Halcyon Energy Co-Founder and CEO
“I was blown away. It was amazing how they were able to make what we do more personal and impactful to the people we need to influence the most."
Scotty B. Executive Director

Schedule your FREE Brand Scrum now with

Isn’t 30-minutes worth it for a fresh perspective and some tough love?